Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Darling DIY: Necktie bracelet

Here is another simple accessory DIY! These VERY simple bracelets are made out of our dad's old ties (we think he's a little tired of all of polka dot ties we bought him over the years!). All you have to do is cut your desired length off of the skinnies portion of the tie, glue the ends shut (we used simple fabric glue), and add on a couple of velcro dots to close it around your wrist. That's it! They end up looking like really cute cuffs, and you can do them in so any styles (depending on which ones the guy in your life is willing to part with) and you can even add buttons on top to give it a more complete look. We're gonna convince our dad to give up one of his plaid ties for a prep-inspired bracelet next! 

 ~Our mom wearing dad's tie. HOW ROMANTIC IS THAT?~ 

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