Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Darling DIY: Glitter Sole Heels

Aren't these so fun? We found great deal on line- 2 pairs of these cute, thick-heeled black pumps for $12 each! So even though we have a ton of black heels, we couldn't resist! Each of us revamped these shoes into something a little more special (we painted the first pair, remember? if not, they're right here).   We loved the glitter sole which is a very glam detail that will not go un-noticed! All we needed was our own "glitter glue" with was just simple silver craft glitter mixed with liquid glue; we painted the mixture on to the sole (you may need a couple layers, but make sure to let them dry in between coats so you can see the spots you missed)! That's it! 

But, we didn't want to stop there! We attached a small ribbon loop to the backs of the shoes (simple glue again), so we can make an interchangeable ankle strap (we think that ankle straps are SO hot! :-) ). Now our massive ribbon collection can go to use! Again, any color, any style! 

If you're feeling daring and extra fancy, why not paint, glitter, AND strap? Monochromatic details would make your pumps a show-stopper (without looking crazy)! 

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