Friday, June 13, 2014

Favorite Healthier Dressings

Here at Darling Disposition, we love our salads. But what we love even more is our salad dressing. Summer is here and we want to look fab in our summer dresses and cut-off shorts. And that means a little extra eating healthy. We shared our favorite salad recipe here. 

One unfortunate revelation that we had to have was that most of the creamy, yummy dressings are pretty catastrophically unhealthy. And do not mesh well with rocking that new crop top this season. Most of the really good ones have over 20 grams of fat and 300 mg of sodium! No thanks! We'd rather take the crop top. We've been on the hunt for satisfying alternatives all summer and we want to share them with you! This is a growing list, so check back as we find new dressings! For now, this is what we have:

We've been Ranch girls all our lives, but this more gourmet dressing has an amazing flavor! It's tangy and sweet, but with just the right amount of of richness from the cheese. It will liven up any lunch salad and is also might fancy for your dinner parties. And look at that color! 

Nutrition: 4.5 g of fat, 140 mg sodium, 7 g carbs

Pick it up at TJ's for $3.49 a bottle. 

This is absolutely the best vegetarian caesar dressing out there! It has a light but bold flavor and is so so creamy. The yogurt gives it a great and satisfying thickness but without feeling all the fat and oils. This is a perfect match for any salad green. It turns any leaf into a delicious caesar- even spinach and kale!

Nutrition: 5 g fat, 210 mg sodium, 3 g carbs 

Pick it up at Wegmans (Shout out to all those PA residents!) for less than $4 a bottle. 

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