Thursday, May 1, 2014

DIY Eats: Citrus Detox Water

We found this fantastic recipe on our new favorite workout web site! This is totally natural detox water that is perfect for getting that bikini-ready body in just a couple months. We are replacing half of our daily intake of water with this detox water, and we've actually already seen results. 

Head over here to see why it works (the recipe is adapted from there)! 

Mix up your own and enjoy a delicious way to that gorgeous body! 

1. 2 liters water
2. 1/2 cucumber
3. 1 orange
4. 1 lemon
5. about 10 mint leaves
6. Ice

Slice up the fruit and veggies and put into the water! You can refill the water three times before you should cut up a new batch of fruit and veggies. 

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