Thursday, October 30, 2014

DIY Halloween: Pumpkin Spice Truffles

Today's DIY kind of gives us the heebie jeebies, but in the best possible way-- bloody pumpkin spice truffles! They're the perfect treat for your guests to finish off a festive Halloween night: a blend of spicy, sweet, and shocking! Can we just talk about how eerie the red looks against the white candy coating? It's like something straight out of Hitchcock! And, the best part, they're deceptively easy to make! 

Have fun, darlings, and enjoy! These truffles are bloody delicious! (We couldn't resist!)

Tomorrow... drumroll, please... we reveal our Halloween costumes! (There's a hint in this post-- can you figure it out?)

Ingredients (recipe adapted from here)

1. Ginger snap cookie crumbs (1 cup)

2. Graham cracker crumbs (1 cup)

3. Pumpkin puree (1/4 cup)

4. Powdered sugar (3 Tbsp)

5. Cream cheese (4 oz, half a container)

6. Pumpkin pie spice (1/2 tsp)

7. Cinnamon (1/2 tsp)

8. Melted white chocolate (1 cup)

9. Red food coloring


1. Mix ingredients 1-7 together in a bowl, until well combined.

2. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or double boiler and add 1/2 cup into the mixture.

3. Cool the truffle mixture in the fridge for 30 minutes.

4. Remove from the fridge and shape into little balls (we made about 25). Place onto parchment paper.

5. Place the formed truffles in the freezer for 10 minutes.

6. Melt the remaining chocolate.

7. Using a fork or toothpick roll the truffles in the chocolate until completed covered. Place back onto parchment paper.

8. Dilute the food coloring with some water (a 2:1 ratio of food coloring to water).

9. Using a paint brush, splatter the color onto the truffles, creating your "bloody" goodies.

10. Take a bite and enjoy the pumpkin-y goodness!

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