Saturday, January 24, 2015

DIY Eats: Oatmeal Cinnamon Roll with Frosting

Remember the gooey, sticky sweetness of biting into a Cinnabon? Or, rather, remember yesterday at the mall when you walked by Cinnabon and almost caved but didn't? (Or, you know, did?) 
Today's oatmeal recipe is the solution to any guilt, nostalgia, or sticky fingers you may have experienced: cinnamon bun oatmeal-- with icing! 

This recipe mixes healthy ingredients like whole grains from the oatmeal, metabolism-revving cinnamon, and protein-filled tofu (yes, tofu). 

The best news of all? You can have cinnamon buns for breakfast without actually having cinnamon buns for breakfast. 

Ingredients (recipe adapted from here
(Makes 2 servings) 

1. Old-fashioned oats (1 cup) 

2. Skim milk (1/2 cup) 

3. No sugar added apple sauce (1/2 cup) 

4. Cinnamon (1 Tbsp) 

5. Vanilla (1/2 Tsp) 

6. Maple syrup (1/4 cup, or to taste) 

7. Butter (1 Tsp, optional) 

8. Silken Tofu (1/4 cup) 

9. Low-fat cream cheese (5 Tbsp) 

10. Skim milk (2 Tbsp) 

11. Stevia packets (2) 


1. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees

2. Mix ingredients oats through butter (1-7). 

3. Spray ramekins with cooking oil and pour mixture into bowls. 

4. Bake for 20 minutes. 

5. While baking, mix ingredients tofu through Stevia (8-11) in a blender or food processor. It's going to be pretty liquid-y, but you can add some more cream cheese. 

6. Take rolls out of the oven and let them cool. 

7. Pour cream cheese frosting over your rolls and dust with some more cinnamon. 


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