Sunday, August 24, 2014

Reflections on summer

Hello, darlings! You may have noticed our absence on Darling Disposition for the last few months because we spent a fun and busy summer in New York City. We both were working, but we saved a lot of time to make memories in this fabulous city. Though we still have some things left on our NYC Bucket List, we experienced some pretty incredible things and we want to share them with you (at least the photographed ones!)/ Also check out #ddtakesmanhattan on Instagram to see what else we've been up to!

Upstate NY: Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow
We took a break from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan to visit upstate NY, about 45 minutes outside the city. It is like stepping into an era long ago!  

~We stayed at the Castle on the Hudson hotel. It was so glamorous!~ 

~ Lyndhurst Castle: It's free to walk around the grounds of this beautiful mansion. We got some great inspiration for our dream home!~

Lady Mendl's Tea Salon
If there is a tea room, you'll find us in there! We finally had afternoon tea at Lady Mendl's and it was divine! It's located in the Inn at Irving Place and the decor is magical. It's pretty pricey, but its once-in-a-lifetime experience for all the girly girls out there. 

~This coy little sign that you'll miss if you don't look close enough!~

~Getting ready for our tea!~

~No high tea is complete without beautiful china~

Madison Square Park
While I was in school, I was an exclusive Upper West Sider, but Sonali's internship took us downtown. Her office was super close to Madison Square Park, so we spent a lot of time picnicking there! While you're there, don't forget to check out Eataly. 

 ~This park does have beautiful lighting to capture glamour shots of our gorg Mama!~

 ~We loved lounging around on the grass on our DIY picnic blanket (look out for it in a couple days)!~

~We discovered our new favorite chain restaurant: Le Pain Quotidien! It is super healthy with a cool, Parisian cafe vibe. The one on 22nd and Broadway was an amazing rooftop area!~

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